If you’re bringing home a bundle of furry joy, the first thing on your to-do list is probably hugs and play time. While bonding with your new pup is important, Caesar’s Way points out the importance of creating a schedule for your pup.
There will be plenty of time for play, but establishing a routine early on will help your puppy grow into a well-behaved and balanced adult dog.
The 3 Basics of Creating a Routine
Caesar’s Way recommends establishing a routine as soon as you bring your new puppy home. Take a little bit of time to decide how you want to work your routine around your family’s schedule, and start implementing it right away.
Two of the most important parts of the routine are establishing a set feeding time & a potty routine. But you’ll also want to schedule in a little activity and training in these formative months.
1. Feeding Times: Plan on 3 Meals a Day
Your puppy has a lot of growing to do, and she’ll need to eat more frequently than an adult dog. Puppies need to be fed three times per day – just like humans. Try timing your pup’s meals around your own (7AM, noonand 5PM are ideal feeding times). With a set feeding schedule, your puppy will know when to expect food and will be less likely to beg in between meals.
2. Potty Routine: Every 2-4 Hours
It’s never too early to start housebreaking your puppy. Make sure that your puppy has “potty time” every two to four hours. If you wait any longer than four hours, your pup won’t be able to hold it. Establishing a time and place for going potty will also teach your pup that it’s not okay to go potty anytime, anywhere she wants.
3. Exercise & Training: A Great Way to Bond
Of course, your routine should also make plenty of time for play, bonding and exercise. And it’s never too early to start training – here are 2 more important elements to add into your puppy’s new schedule.
Keywords training
Very young puppies can’t get into any kind of formal training class right away, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be teaching him some basics every day. One thing every pup can start learning: keywords. Begin with important words like “good,” “bad,” and “no.” Keep these words simple and be consistent with which ones you use. Your dog needs to get used to hearing the same words in order to associate the same meanings with them each time.
Exercise and play
Ideally, you want to begin your pup’s day with exercise before she has her first meal. After breakfast, try a pack walk (if she’s too young to go outside, you can do this around the house) followed by some bonding or play time. You’ll repeat this general routine throughout each day. Exercise, meal, exercise, bonding, meal, and so on.
Source: www.CesarsWay.com
Setting a good routine early on will save you from future headaches and teach your dog good puppy behaviors. It’s also important for your puppy to know what to expect from you. It gives him a sense of security to know when to expect dinner or when he will get that special playtime with you.
Don’t Forget to Have Fun!
Bringing home a puppy is one of the most exciting times for you and your family. So keep a schedule & establish a solid routine for your puppy, but most of all have fun! The puppy years are just priceless.
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